ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gunpowder artillery in the Song dynasty

So, in the Song Dynasty, people found out they could make a special powder that burns really fast and makes a big BOOM! They called it gunpowder.

Then, they had an idea to put a lot of gunpowder in a big metal tube and light it up. This would make a big explosion and the metal tube would fly far away. They called this big metal tube a cannon.

People in the Song Dynasty used these cannons to fight in wars. They could shoot big rocks, fireballs or even arrows really far and hurt the enemy.

But cannons were really heavy and hard to move, so they had to be pulled by horses or oxen. They also had to be handled by many people to aim, light and load them. It wasn't easy to use these guns, but they were very powerful and helped the people in the Song Dynasty fight in battles.