ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gurdon Light

Well, the Gurdon Light is a mysterious and strange light phenomenon that happens in a place called Gurdon, Arkansas. Some people say that it's a ghost or a spirit that is wandering around at night and carrying a lantern. Others think that it might be caused by the gases and chemicals that are in the soil.

Imagine that you are playing hide and seek at night and you see a light in the distance. You think it's your friend with a flashlight, but when you call out their name, there is no answer. The light starts moving towards you, but there is no one there. That's kind of what the Gurdon Light is like.

People have been trying to solve the mystery of the Gurdon Light for many years, but so far, no one has been able to explain it completely. Some say that it might be caused by swamp gas or other natural phenomena, but it remains a mystery to this day.