ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Guy Fawkes Night

Guy Fawkes night is a British tradition that happens on November 5th every year. It all started a long time ago in 1605, when a group of people planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London. One of the people in the group was named Guy Fawkes, and he was the one who was caught trying to carry out the plan.

To celebrate the fact that the King had been saved, people in London lit bonfires and set off fireworks. Since then, Guy Fawkes Night has become a popular British holiday.

On this night, people often create a scarecrow-like figure made out of old clothes stuffed with newspaper, called a "Guy." They then place this figure on top of the bonfire and set it alight as a reminder of the failure of the Gunpowder Plot.

People also enjoy setting off fireworks on this night, both in organized displays and in private festivities. It's a fun and exciting time for children and adults alike!

So, in short, Guy Fawkes Night is a celebration on November 5th to remember the failed Gunpowder Plot, where people set off fireworks and burn a scarecrow-like figure called a "Guy" on a bonfire.