ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

H tree

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the H-Tree. So, you know how sometimes when we draw shapes, we can break them down into smaller pieces, right? Well, the H-Tree is kind of like that, but for lines.

Imagine drawing an H on a piece of paper. Now, instead of just having three lines, we're going to break those lines down into smaller lines. We'll add a new smaller line right in the middle of each line in the H. So now we have seven lines altogether: four that make up the H shape, and three smaller lines.

But we're not done yet! We're going to do the same thing we just did to the H, but to each of those smaller lines too. So now we have even more lines! And we keep repeating this process over and over, getting smaller and smaller lines each time.

The cool thing about the H-Tree is that if you keep repeating this process forever, you'll always end up with the same shape, just smaller and smaller versions of it. It's like a never-ending series of H's, all connected by little lines.

Scientists and mathematicians really like the H-Tree because it's a cool way to show how basic shapes can be broken down and repeated to create more complex shapes. Plus, it's just really neat to look at!