Handel was a man who lived a long, long time ago in a place called Germany. He was really, really good at making music, like songs and stuff that you can sing along with. He was so good that people still listen to his music today, even though he lived over 300 years ago!
One of Handel's most famous pieces of music is called "Messiah," and it tells the story of a really important person named Jesus. Handel wrote lots and lots of other songs and operas and things like that, too.
Handel was also famous for being able to play the organ really well. The organ is a really big musical instrument that you play using your hands and feet. It has lots of pipes and buttons and things, and it can make a really loud sound! Handel played the organ at a church for many years, and lots of people came to listen to him.
Handel was really important in music because he helped to create a new kind of music called "Baroque." That means that the music is really fancy and has lots of different instruments playing all at once. Handel was one of the best at writing this kind of music, and he inspired lots of other musicians to write Baroque music too.
So, in short, Handel was a really important musician who lived a long time ago and wrote lots of beautiful music that people still love today!