ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hacker koan

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a koan? It's like a story or a question that helps people think in a new way. A Hacker Koan is a story or a question that teaches people about computers and hacking.

Imagine you have a computer and you want to keep it safe from hackers. You might think the best way to do that is to build a big wall around it, like a castle. But sometimes the hackers are very clever and they can get around the wall. So, what do you do?

Well, one Hacker Koan tells the story of a wise old hacker who was asked how to keep a computer safe. He said, "Make it so useful there's nothing for the hackers to steal." This means that if you have a computer that doesn't have anything valuable on it, then even if a hacker does get in, they won't be able to take anything important.

Another Hacker Koan asks the question, "What's the difference between a hacker and a cracker?" A hacker is someone who likes to learn about computers and find new ways to use them. A cracker is someone who uses their knowledge to do bad things, like steal information or harm other people. So, it's important to use your computer knowledge for good, like making useful programs or fixing problems.

In summary, Hacker Koans are stories or questions that teach people how to think about computers and hacking in new ways, and encourage them to use their knowledge for good.