ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hadži Prodan's Revolt

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago in a far away land called Bulgaria, there was a man named Hadži Prodan. He was a very brave man who wanted to help the poor people who were being treated unfairly by the rich people.

Hadži Prodan was upset that the rich people were taking all the good things for themselves and leaving nothing for the poor people. So he decided to start a revolt or a big fight against the rich people to try and make things better for the poor people.

Hadži Prodan told all the poor people to join him in his fight against the rich people and the poor people listened. They got together and started fighting against the rich people. They didn't have any fancy weapons like guns or swords, but they had big sticks and rocks to fight with.

The rich people were very surprised to see so many poor people fighting against them. They thought that the poor people would be too scared to fight back, but they were wrong. The poor people were very brave and they were willing to fight for what they believed in.

After a long and hard fight, the poor people finally won. Hadži Prodan became a hero to the poor people and they were very grateful to him for helping them. The rich people were no longer able to take advantage of the poor people and everyone was treated equally.

And that, my dear friend, is the story of Hadži Prodan's revolt. It's a story about people standing up for what they believe in and fighting for justice, even when it's difficult.