ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hajdučka Republika Mijata Tomića

Have you ever played make-believe where you and your friends pretended to be in charge of your own pretend country? That's kind of like what happened with Hajdučka Republika Mijata Tomića.

Hajdučka Republika Mijata Tomića was a pretend country that some people made up a long time ago. They called it a "republic" which means a type of government where the people get to choose their leaders instead of just one person or family being in charge all the time.

The people who made up Hajdučka Republika Mijata Tomića also pretended that they had their own rules and laws that they followed, just like a real country! They even had their own flag and anthem.

But here's the thing: Hajdučka Republika Mijata Tomića was never a real country. It was just for fun and games. People pretended to be part of this pretend country as a way to have fun and maybe even make new friends.

So just like how you can pretend to be in charge of your own pretend country with your friends, the people who made up Hajdučka Republika Mijata Tomića did the same thing a long time ago.