ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hand of God (art)

Okay kiddo! So do you know what art is?
Yes? Okay! Hand of God is a type of art that is also known as the "Creation of Adam."

This special piece of art shows a picture of two figures - one man and one old, wise-looking man. The man is Adam, which you might know is the first human according to the Bible. The old man is God, the one who made everything in the world!

But what's so special about this art is the way God is portrayed. In Hand of God art, God is reaching out his hand towards Adam, as if to give him life. That's why it's called the "Hand of God" - because it shows that God is the one who brings everything to life.

The painting itself is really big and hangs on the ceiling of a place called the Sistine Chapel in Italy. Lots of people go to see it because it's so amazing - it was painted by a really talented artist named Michelangelo way back in the 1500s! People love to look at it and think about what it means for creation and life.