Handcycles are really cool bikes that are powered by your arms instead of your legs. Just like a normal bike, you sit on a part called the seat and hold onto handlebars to steer. But instead of using your feet to pedal, you use your hands to turn the pedals which make the wheels go forward.
Handcycles are great for people who might have a harder time using their legs to ride a bike. Maybe their legs don't work as well as other parts of their body, or they might have a disability that makes it harder to use their legs.
There are different types of handcycles for different types of activities, like racing or just cruising around the park. Some handcycles have three wheels instead of two to help with balance. They can also come in different shapes and sizes to fit the rider comfortably.
Overall, handcycles are a really fun way to ride a bike and get around, even if you can't use your legs like other people can.