ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hangul supremacy

Okay, imagine you and your friends all have different favorite colors: Sally likes blue, Tommy likes green, and Billy likes red. But then someone says that blue is the best color and everyone should only use blue. This is what hangul supremacy is like.

Hangul is the alphabet that Korean people use to write and read. It's like the ABCs in English. Hangul supremacy means that some people think that only hangul should be used for everything, even if other languages or scripts (like the Latin alphabet used in English) are also used in Korea.

Some people who believe in hangul supremacy might think that other languages or scripts are not as good as hangul, or that they are a threat to Korean culture. But just like how your friends all have different favorite colors, there's nothing wrong with using different languages or scripts. It's important to respect everyone's preferences and find ways to communicate effectively in different languages and scripts.