ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a fancy carriage in a fairy tale or movie? The ones that are pulled by horses and have a driver up front? That’s called a hansom!

It was a popular way of transportation a long time ago when cars didn’t exist yet. A hansom was smaller than other carriages and it only had two wheels, which made it easier for the horse to pull it.

The driver sat in the front of the carriage and had to control the horse with reins. The person or people being carried would sit in the back with a roof over their heads to protect them from rain or sun.

Some hansoms had a little door at the back that could be opened and closed so the passengers could easily get in and out.

Nowadays, we don’t really use hansoms anymore because we have cars and other modern ways of transportation. But they are still used in some places for fun rides or special occasions!
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