ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hello! Today we're going to learn about something called hardtack. Do you know what crackers are? Well, hardtack is like a super hard cracker that soldiers used to eat a long time ago when they were out at war.

So imagine you're a soldier and you're going to be away from home for a long time. You need something to eat, right? But you can't bring fresh bread or anything like that because it will go bad pretty quickly. That's where hardtack comes in!

Hardtack is made with just a few simple ingredients - flour, water, and salt. The dough is mixed together and then flattened out into thin squares or circles. Then, the dough is baked in an oven until it's super hard and crunchy.

The reason why hardtack is so hard is because it needs to last a long time without going bad. That's why soldiers used to carry it with them on long trips or battles. Even if it got wet, hardtack wouldn't go bad.

Now, don't expect hardtack to taste like a delicious treat. It's actually pretty bland and hard to chew. But when you're out at war, you're probably not looking for a fancy meal. You just need something to fill your stomach and give you energy.

So that's hardtack! It's a hard, long-lasting cracker that soldiers used to eat when they were away from home. It's not very tasty, but it gets the job done.