ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hardware Freedom Day

Hardware freedom day is a day when people celebrate the idea that we can control the hardware that we use. This means that we can choose what parts our computers are made of, how they are put together, and even how they work.

Think of it like building with Lego blocks. You get to choose which blocks you want to use, how you want to put them together, and what you want to build with them. With hardware freedom, we get to choose what pieces we want to use to build our computers and electronics.

Now, some companies may try to limit what we can do with our electronics. They might make it hard to repair or replace parts, or they might not let us change how our devices work. Hardware freedom means that we have the freedom to choose something else if we don't like how a company is treating us.

So on Hardware Freedom Day, we celebrate the idea that we can control our own devices and build them the way we want. It's like having a special day to celebrate all the cool things we can do with our Legos.