ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Harry S. Truman

Harry S. Truman was a very important person who was the President of the United States from 1945 to 1953. He was a man who loved his country very much and worked very hard to make it better.

When Harry S. Truman was little, he had a very hard life because his family didn't have a lot of money. He had to work hard to help his family and he didn't get to go to school very much. But he never gave up and he kept working hard.

When he grew up, Harry S. Truman became a senator and then the Vice-President of the United States. When the President before him, Franklin D. Roosevelt, died suddenly, Harry S. Truman became the President of the United States.

As president, Harry S. Truman had to make some very important decisions. One of the biggest decisions he had to make was whether or not to drop a very powerful bomb on Japan. This bomb was so powerful that it would destroy an entire city. Harry S. Truman knew that many people would die if he dropped the bomb, but he also knew that if he didn't drop the bomb, many more people would die in a long and difficult war. In the end, he decided to drop the bomb and it helped to end the war in Japan.

During his time as President, Harry S. Truman also worked to make sure that everyone in the United States had equal rights and opportunities. He helped to pass laws that made it illegal for people to be discriminated against because of their skin color, religion, or where they came from.

Harry S. Truman was a very brave and hardworking person who loved his country and wanted to make it better. He is remembered as a great leader who helped make the United States a better place for everyone.