ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Harvard College social clubs

Harvard College social clubs are groups of people who like to spend time together and form a community. These clubs can be different from one another and have different reasons for existing. Some clubs might focus on a particular interest, like sports or theater, while others might be more social and just want to hang out and have fun.

At Harvard, there are some social clubs that are officially recognized by the university, and others that are not. The recognized clubs are called final clubs, and they have a long history at Harvard. They are exclusive and not everyone can join them. This can be because of where you come from, your gender, or other factors. Some people believe that these clubs promote elitism and exclusion, while others believe that they are a valuable part of the Harvard experience.

There are also other types of social clubs at Harvard, like fraternities and sororities, which are similar to final clubs but typically have more of a focus on academic and professional development. There are also co-ed social clubs and organizations that are open to anyone. These clubs can be a great way to meet new people and make connections at Harvard.