ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A hatchery is like a really big house for baby animals that are hatched from their eggs. Just like when you were a baby, you needed your parents to take care of you and give you what you needed to grow, these baby animals need people to take care of them too. But instead of parents, they have special people called hatchery workers who help them grow big and strong.

Inside the hatchery, there are big machines called incubators that keep the eggs warm and cozy until they are ready to hatch. Once the baby animals start to come out of their eggs, the hatchery workers make sure they have all the food, water, and care they need to survive. They also make sure the baby animals are healthy and safe from any danger.

Different hatcheries take care of different animals, like chickens, fish, or even turtles. Once the baby animals have grown big enough and are ready to live on their own, they are released into the wild. This helps to make sure there are plenty of healthy animals around for us to see and enjoy.