ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Health and appearance of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was a very famous singer, dancer, and entertainer. He was known for his amazing talent, but he also had a lot of issues with his health and appearance.

His health problems had to do with the fact that he was born premature, which means he was born too early and his body wasn’t fully developed yet like most babies. This meant that he often got sick or injured more easily than other people. As he grew older, he started to have problems with his skin. He developed something called vitiligo, which is a medical condition that causes patches of skin to become discolored and lighter. This is why he became famous for wearing a lot of makeup and wearing one glove.

His appearance changed a lot over the years because of his skin condition and he also had a lot of cosmetic surgery procedures to make himself look different. He wanted to look perfect, but unfortunately, all of the surgeries made it hard for him to move the way he wanted to, which caused a lot of pain and discomfort.

Overall, Michael Jackson was a very talented person, but he struggled a lot with his health and appearance. He used a lot of makeup, changed his appearance through surgery, and had health problems due to being born premature.