ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Health effects of salt

Salt is something that we use to make food taste better, like when we put it on top of our fries or popcorn. But too much salt can be bad for our bodies.

You know how we need water to live? Our bodies also need salt to function properly, but not too much. Salt helps balance the fluids in our bodies and helps our muscles and nerves work properly.

But if we eat too much salt, it can make our bodies hold on to too much water which makes our blood pressure go up. High blood pressure can put strain on our hearts and can cause problems like heart attacks or strokes.

Some people may also be more sensitive to salt and can have more problems if they eat too much. They may have swelling in their ankles or other parts of their body, or feel short of breath.

So, it's important to enjoy salt in moderation and not add too much of it to our food. We should try to eat foods that are low in salt, like fruits and veggies, and avoid processed foods that usually have a lot of salt in them. If you have any concerns about how much salt you should be eating, talk to your doctor.