ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hearing Voices Movement

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard sounds or voices that no one else around you can hear? Sometimes people with a condition called "hearing voices" can hear sounds or voices too, but in their minds instead of their ears.

The hearing voices movement is a group of people who want to help and support these individuals who hear voices. They believe that hearing voices isn't a problem on its own, but it can become a problem when people feel overwhelmed, scared, or confused by what they're hearing.

Imagine you're watching a scary movie and you hear a monster growling, but you know it's just pretend. It can be the same for someone hearing voices - they might hear something scary or confusing, but with support and understanding, they can learn that it's not real and nothing to be afraid of.

The hearing voices movement also wants everyone to know that if they hear voices or have other experiences that others don't share, that's okay. It doesn't make them weird or crazy. They want people to feel comfortable talking about it and seeking help if they need it.

So, to sum it up, the hearing voices movement is all about understanding, support, and acceptance for people who hear voices in their minds. It's important to remember that everyone's experiences are different, and that's okay too!