ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heather Lauer

Heather Lauer is a person that some people might have heard of. She is not famous, like a movie star or a superhero, but she is known for writing a book about a type of food called bacon.

Bacon is a salty, crispy food that comes from pigs. People cook bacon by frying it in a pan or baking it in an oven. It's popular for breakfast, sandwiches, and as a topping for salads and burgers.

Heather Lauer wrote a book called "Bacon: A Love Story" that talks about the history, culture, and different ways to eat bacon. It's like a big storybook all about bacon, with pictures and recipes and fun facts.

Some people really like bacon and might want to read this book to learn more about it. Heather Lauer wrote it to share her love of bacon with others who enjoy it too.