ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heidelberg University

Heidelberg University is a really cool place where grown-ups go to learn lots of stuff. It's located in a big city in Germany called Heidelberg.

Imagine it's like a big, magical castle where you can find lots of smart people who teach and learn about many different things like history, biology, philosophy, and art.

People from all over the world go to Heidelberg University to study and become really smart too. They can even get special pieces of paper called degrees that prove how much they have learned!

The university has been around for a very long time, almost 700 years! That's like way longer than when your mommy and daddy were born. Lots of famous and important people also went to Heidelberg University many years ago, like kings, queens, and even Albert Einstein, who was really, really smart!

So, in summary, Heidelberg University is a place for grown-ups to go to school and learn lots of things, like a magical castle with smart people, located in Germany, and has been around for a really long time.