ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heisenberg's entryway to matrix mechanics

Okay, so let's imagine you have a toy car and you want to know how fast it can go. You could measure its speed by timing how long it takes to travel a certain distance, right?

Now, let's imagine you want to study subatomic particles. These are teeny-tiny particles that make up everything in the world, like atoms and molecules. They're so small that you can't really see them with your eyes.

Scientists were able to study subatomic particles using a branch of physics called quantum mechanics. In the 1920s, a scientist named Werner Heisenberg came up with a new way to do this called matrix mechanics.

Heisenberg's entryway to matrix mechanics was a mathematical formula that helped him analyze the behavior of subatomic particles. But here's the tricky part: in the tiny world of subatomic particles, something called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle comes into play.

Basically, this principle says that you can't know both the exact position and the exact velocity of a subatomic particle at the same time. The more precisely you measure one, the less precisely you can measure the other. It's like trying to hold onto a really bouncy ball - the harder you grip it, the more it bounces around.

So, Heisenberg's entryway to matrix mechanics allowed scientists to study subatomic particles using mathematical equations, but there were limits to how precisely they could measure these particles. It's kind of like trying to measure the speed of your toy car without being able to see it directly - you have to rely on other methods to understand what's going on.