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Helicopter Underwater Escape Training

Helicopter underwater escape training is a special kind of practice that teaches people how to escape from a helicopter if it crashes into water. Helicopters are big flying machines that can carry people from one place to another, but sometimes they have accidents and end up in the water.

To make sure everyone is safe, people who fly in helicopters need to know what to do if this happens, and that's where this training comes in.

During the training, people who want to learn how to escape from a helicopter in the water practice going into a special pool that feels like real water. They are strapped into a seat that is like the ones in a helicopter, and then the seat is turned upside down underwater. This helps them feel what it's like to be upside down and underwater, just like in a real helicopter crash.

Next, they practice undoing their seatbelt and getting out of the seat while they are upside down, and then they practice swimming to the surface of the water. They also learn how to use their breathing equipment so they can breathe properly even if they are underwater.

Basically, helicopter underwater escape training is like practice for a big scary situation that you hope never happens. But if it does, you'll be ready to stay safe and swim to safety.