ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Helium-3 propulsion

Hi there,

Helium-3 propulsion is all about using a special type of gas called helium-3 to help make things go really fast in space.

To understand helium-3 propulsion, we first need to talk about what energy is. Do you know what energy is? It's what makes things move and happen.

The spaceships we use today usually run on chemicals like fuel or electricity to make them go. But with helium-3 propulsion, we use a gas called helium-3. This gas can be found on the moon, which means we don't have to bring it with us from Earth.

Now, you might be wondering, how does helium-3 make things go fast? That's because when helium-3 is heated, it turns into a plasma. Plasma is a gas that has had some electrons taken away so that it becomes charged. Charged particles (like plasma) can be moved around using magnets.

So, by heating helium-3 and turning it into a plasma, we can use a special kind of engine called an electromagnetic engine, to move the particles around using magnets to make a spaceship go faster.

In summary, helium-3 propulsion is a way to make spaceships go faster using helium-3 gas found on the moon, which is turned into plasma and then used to power an electromagnetic engine to create movement.
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