ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Help America Vote Act

Okay, kiddo, let me explain the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) in a way that you can understand.

Do you know what voting is? It's when we choose who we want to lead our country or our state. We do this by going to a voting center and filling out a ballot, which tells the people in charge who we want to vote for.

Sometimes, though, it's hard for people to vote. Maybe they can't get to the voting center because they're too far away or they don't have a way to get there. Maybe they have a disability that makes it hard to fill out a ballot. Maybe they don't speak English very well and they don't understand the instructions.

The Help America Vote Act was created to make it easier for everyone to vote. It gives money to states to make sure that voting centers are accessible for people with disabilities. It also requires states to have voting machines that are easy for everyone to use, and to provide language assistance for people who don't speak English well.

HAVA also helps make sure that everyone's vote gets counted. It requires states to have ways to verify that someone who is voting is actually a registered voter, and to make sure that each voter only gets one ballot.

So, in summary, the Help America Vote Act is a law that helps make it easier for everyone to vote, no matter who they are or what their situation is.