ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hemolytic disease of the newborn (anti-RhE)

Hemolytic disease of the newborn, also known as anti-rhE disease, is a condition that can happen when a pregnant mom and her baby have different types of blood. Let's imagine that the mom has a type of blood called Rh-negative, and the baby has a type of blood called Rh-positive.

Our bodies have tiny things called red blood cells that help carry oxygen to different parts of our body. These cells have special markers on their surface that determine what type of blood we have. The mom's body can sometimes see the baby's Rh-positive blood as something unfamiliar and dangerous, like a mean bug.

So, the mom's body starts to make something called antibodies to fight off the baby's blood. These antibodies are like superheroes that help protect our body from bad things, but in this case, they can cause a problem.

When the mom's antibodies enter the baby's body, they can attack and break down the baby's red blood cells. This is like when a superhero accidentally starts destroying good things instead of bad things. It can make the baby very sick and cause a lot of trouble.

But don't worry, doctors know about this problem and have ways to prevent and treat it!

During pregnancy, the doctor can check the mom's blood to see if she has made these antibodies. They also check the baby's blood to see if there are any problems. If there is a risk of the baby getting sick, the doctor can give the mom a special medicine called Rh immune globulin.

This medicine helps the mom's body to not make as many antibodies, so they won't attack the baby's blood cells. It's like giving the mom's body a new superhero that helps them work together without causing harm.

If the baby does get sick, there are treatments available too. The doctor might need to do a blood transfusion. This means they take out some of the baby's sick blood and replace it with healthy blood from a donor. It's like giving the baby's body new and healthy red blood cells.

In really severe cases, the baby might need to stay in a special place called the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) where doctors and nurses can take care of them and help them get better.

So, even though hemolytic disease of the newborn can be a complicated and serious condition, doctors know how to help and make sure both the mom and the baby stay healthy and safe.