ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Henry de Bracton

Okay, so you know how we have rules and laws that we have to follow? Well, a long long long time ago, like hundreds of years ago, there was a really smart man named Henry de Bracton who helped write some of those rules and laws in England.

Kind of like how we have grown-ups who make rules for us to follow, Henry de Bracton was a grown-up who helped make rules for the people of England to follow a long time ago. He wrote a really important book called "De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae" which means "On the Laws and Customs of England."

Henry de Bracton was very good at writing down the laws and explaining them in a way that made sense to people. He was like a teacher who helped people understand what the rules were and why they were important. A lot of people in England at that time read his book and learned about the laws that they had to follow.

So basically, Henry de Bracton was a very important person in England a really long time ago who helped write down and explain the laws that people had to follow. Without him, people might not have known what the rules were and could have gotten in trouble without even knowing it.