ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hermann Stieve

Hermann Stieve was a doctor who studied the menstrual cycle and reproductive organs of women. He did this by studying the bodies of women who had been executed by the Nazis during World War II.

When women have their period, their body sheds the lining of their uterus, which is where a baby can grow. Dr. Stieve wanted to understand why this happened and how the body knows when to start and stop having periods.

He found out that periods are controlled by hormones, which are like little messengers in the body that tell it what to do. These hormones are made by the brain and the ovaries, which are two organs in a woman's body.

Dr. Stieve also studied how sperm from a man can fertilize an egg from a woman, which can lead to a baby growing in the uterus. He found out that this process is also controlled by hormones and that the body has to be just right in order for it to happen.

Although Dr. Stieve made some important discoveries, some people criticize him for using the bodies of executed women for his research without their consent or without the consent of their families. This is why it is important to always ask for permission before studying someone's body, even after they have died.