ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heterocyclic amine formation in meat

When we cook meat, it can create some chemicals that are not good for us, like heterocyclic amines (HAs). These are formed when meat is heated at high temperatures, like grilling or frying. HAs are like tiny little compounds that are formed from amino acids and sugars found in meat.

Think of amino acids and sugars like little puzzle pieces that are put together to make a bigger puzzle piece, which is the meat we eat. When we cook the meat and heat it up, these little puzzle pieces start to break apart and create new, smaller pieces like HAs.

Now, these HAs can be harmful to our health if we eat too many of them or too often. That's why it's important to be careful when cooking meat and try not to let it get too crispy or burnt. We can also try cooking meat in different ways, like baking or boiling, to reduce the formation of these HAs.

So, to sum it up: when we cook meat, it can create HAs, which are small compounds made from amino acids and sugars in the meat. These HAs can be harmful to our health if we eat too many, so it's important to be careful when cooking meat and try not to let it get too crispy or burnt.