ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heterocyclic amines

Heterocyclic amines are a big name for some bad things that can happen when we cook our food in certain ways. Basically, when we cook meat (like beef, chicken, or fish) at really high temperatures, like on a grill or in a frying pan, some chemicals can form. These chemicals are called heterocyclic amines.

Now, these heterocyclic amines aren't good for us because they can cause problems in our bodies. They can damage our DNA, which is like the instruction manual for our bodies. When our DNA gets damaged, it can sometimes cause health problems, like cancer.

So, it's important to be careful when we cook our meat. We can reduce the amount of heterocyclic amines that form by cooking our meat at lower temperatures, using marinades, or even by flipping our meat more often while it's cooking. And remember, it's always a good idea to eat a lot of different kinds of healthy foods, not just meat, to keep our bodies happy and healthy!