ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dear kiddo,

Heterotrophic is a fancy word that describes an organism that needs to eat other living things (or dead things) to survive.

Think of it like this, you know how you eat your fruits or veggies and they give you energy to play, run, and have fun? Well, heterotrophic organisms need to do the same thing but with other things like animals, plants, bacteria or other organisms.

For example, you know how your pet cat needs to eat mice or fish to stay healthy? That's because your cat is heterotrophic, and it can't make its food like plants can do through photosynthesis. So it needs to hunt for its prey and eat it to survive.

Similarly, humans are also heterotrophic. We need to eat different foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, and dairy products to get energy to do all the things we love to do like playing, dancing, or studying.

So, that's what being heterotrophic means, an organism that needs to eat other organisms to survive just like you need your food to stay healthy and happy.