Hello there! Do you know what generations mean? Generations are groups of people who were born and grew up at around the same time. For example, people who were born in the 80s and 90s are part of the Millennial generation.
Now, let's talk about hidden generations. Hidden generations are groups of people who are not really recognized as an official generation, but they share certain characteristics and experiences. These hidden generations are often overlooked because they are sandwiched between two more well-known generations.
For example, the Xennials are a hidden generation that were born between the late 70s and early 80s. They are too young to be considered part of Generation X, but too old to be Millennials. Xennials grew up without the internet or social media, but adopted it as it became more prevalent - this makes them unique!
Another hidden generation is the "Lost Generation," which were born between the 1880s and 1900s. They were called the Lost Generation because they were born during a time of war and turmoil, and had to face economic hardships such as the Great Depression.
So, hidden generations are groups of people who are often overlooked but have their own unique experiences and characteristics. It's important to acknowledge them too!