ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hidden Worlds

Okay, imagine you have a special pair of glasses that can make you see things that are hidden from your normal eyes. These hidden things are called "hidden worlds."

Hidden worlds are like secret places that exist all around us, but we can't see them because they're very tiny or invisible. They are so small that we need special tools, like microscopes, to see them.

For example, if we use our special glasses and look at a drop of water, we will see a hidden world full of tiny creatures called microorganisms. They are so small that even though there are millions of them in just one drop of water, we can't see them without our special glasses.

Now, let's talk about another hidden world called "the world of bugs." If we put on our special glasses and look closely at a patch of grass or a tree, we will discover that it's like a whole city for bugs! There are ants, beetles, spiders, and many other insects that live in this world.

But, hidden worlds aren't just small, they can also be invisible to our eyes. For example, imagine you have a special ink that becomes invisible when you write it on a paper. When you put on your special glasses, you would be able to see the words written with this "invisible ink" – it's like a secret message that only you can understand!

Hidden worlds can also be found in places we can't physically go, like outer space. With the help of telescopes and space probes, scientists can discover hidden worlds in the far reaches of the universe. They find new planets, stars, and even galaxies that are too far away for us to see with our normal eyes.

So, hidden worlds are like magical places that exist all around us, but we need special tools like glasses or special machines to see them. They can be tiny creatures in a drop of water, bugs in the grass, or even invisible messages we can decode. Isn't it fascinating?