ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hidden oscillation

Okay little one, do you know what a wave is? Yes? Great! So, a hidden oscillation is like a secret wave that we can't see or detect easily. Just like how you can't see the wind, but you can feel it, a hidden oscillation is like an invisible wave that we can't see, but it's there.

Imagine you have a toy car with a remote control. When you press the button on the remote control, the car moves forward, right? But what if you press the button and the car doesn't move? That's because the hidden oscillation in the remote control is not working properly - it's like a secret wave that helps the car move, but we can't see it.

In science, hidden oscillation is when a system has a vibration or movement that is not obvious to us. It's like a secret dance happening inside something, but we can't see it unless we use special tools to measure it. Hidden oscillations can happen in lots of different things, from tiny atoms to big machines. Sometimes, we don't even know hidden oscillations are happening until something goes wrong.

So, that's what a hidden oscillation is - a secret wave or movement happening inside something that we can't see or detect easily. Cool, huh?