Hey kiddo, do you know what matter is? Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space like the toys you play with, or your clothes, or even the air around you.
Now, have you ever heard of something called "hidden states of matter"? It's kind of like a secret form of matter that we can't see but we know it's there because its effects can be observed.
So let me break it down for you in a simple way, when matter, like water, changes its form from a liquid to a solid or a gas, it's a state of matter that we can see and feel. However, there are other forms of matter that we can't see.
For instance, when atoms (tiny particles that make up matter) come together, they create a more complex structure called a molecule. And sometimes, when molecules come together, they form a state of matter called a crystal.
Crystals are like little building blocks of matter that are regularly arranged and repeating over and over again. You see, kiddo, crystals are a hidden state of matter because we can’t see the molecules that make them up, but we can observe their unique properties like their shape and color.
In fact, there are many other hidden states of matter that we know exist like plasma, which is found in things like lightning bolts and neon signs. There's also a state of matter called Bose-Einstein condensate, which is formed when atoms are cooled down to almost absolute zero, and they merge together to form a superatom that behaves like one giant particle.
So, in conclusion, hidden states of matter are like the secret forms of matter that can only be observed through their effects, but they’re just as real and fascinating as the states of matter that we’re more familiar with.