ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hierarchical state routing

Imagine you live in a big city with lots of roads and highways. You want to get to your friend's house on the other side of the city. The problem is you have no idea which roads to take to get there. This is where hierarchical state routing comes in!

Hierarchical state routing is like a game where you have to go through different levels to get to your destination. Imagine you have a map of the city that shows all the different roads and highways. The first level is the city itself. You start by figuring out which neighborhoods your friend's house is in. Once you know that, you move to the next level, which is the neighborhood. You look for the specific street and house number where your friend lives.

Hierarchical state routing works the same way. It's a method for finding the best route between two points in a computer network. The first level is the entire network. You start by finding the region you want to send data to, like a specific city or state. Once you know that, you move to the next level, which is the specific area within that region. This might be a specific building or computer server.

Hierarchical state routing is like having a roadmap that helps you quickly find the best way to get from one place to another in a computer network. It's a very important tool for making sure that data gets to where it needs to go quickly and efficiently.