ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hierarchy (object-oriented programming)

When we write programs or computer applications, we create different parts of code that have specific functions. These parts of code can interact with each other in different ways to make our program work.

Imagine you are playing with toy blocks, and you want to create a tower. To do that, you need to stack the blocks one on top of the other. However, you can't just stack them any way you want, or your tower might fall apart! You have to put the big blocks at the bottom, and smaller blocks on top of them.

In computer programming, we also need to organize our code in a specific way, to make sure it works properly. We use a "hierarchy" to do that.

A hierarchy is like a family tree: it shows how different parts of code are related to each other, and how they work together. Just like a family tree, a hierarchy has different levels:

- The top level is the "parent" level. This is where the most important parts of the program are stored.

- The middle level is the "child" level. This is where the smaller, but still important parts of the program are stored.

- The last level is the "grandchild" level. This is where the smallest parts of the program are stored.

Each level is made up of "objects". An object is like a single toy block: it has a specific function, and it can interact with other objects in specific ways.

For example, let's say we are creating a program to manage a zoo. At the top level, we might have an object called "Zoo". This object would have all the important information about the zoo, like the name, the location, and the number of animals.

In the middle level, we might have objects like "Animal" and "Keeper". The Animal object would have information about each animal in the zoo, like the name, the species, and the age. The Keeper object would have information about the people who take care of the animals, like their name, their position, and their schedule.

In the lowest level, we might have objects like "Food" and "Toy". The Food object would have information about the different types of food the animals eat, like the name, the ingredients, and the nutritional value. The Toy object would have information about the different toys the animals play with, like the name, the material, and the price.

By organizing our code in this way, we can make sure that everything works together properly. Just like with the toy blocks, we need to put the right objects in the right places, or else our program won't work properly!