ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

High authority for the struggle against discrimination and for equality

Okay, kiddo, do you know what discrimination means? It means treating someone unfairly or differently because of something about them that we can't change - like their skin color, religion, or where they come from. It's not okay to do that because everyone should be treated with respect and kindness no matter what they look like or believe in.

But sometimes, people still discriminate against others and this can make them feel hurt and sad. That's where something called high authority for the struggle against discrimination and for equality comes in.

This means that there are people in charge who are working hard to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and has equal opportunities. They want to make sure that nobody is left behind or treated poorly because of who they are.

They might create laws to protect people from discrimination or offer programs to help people who have been discriminated against. They might talk to groups of people to help them understand why discrimination is not okay and how they can be kinder to others.

Overall, the high authority for the struggle against discrimination and for equality is there to make sure that everyone has a fair chance in life and that nobody is left out because of something they can't control.