ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

High school graduation exam

Okay kiddo, so a high school graduation exam is a test that you have to take before you can finish high school. It's a test that checks how much you have learned during your time in high school, to make sure you are ready for the next step in your education or career.

You'll usually take this exam in your last year of high school, and it can cover a bunch of different subjects that you've learned in school such as math, science, history, and English.

Think of it like a big test that you have to study for really hard, just like you would study for your regular tests in school. Your teachers will give you lots of practice tests and lessons to help you prepare for this big test.

If you pass the high school graduation exam, then you can graduate from high school and move on to the next stage in your life, whether that's college, a trade school, or a job. But if you don't pass, don't worry - you'll most likely get another chance to take the test later on. Just keep studying and working hard, and you'll get there!