ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

High-ozone shock treatment

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about high-ozone shock treatment. Have you ever heard about the word "ozone"? It is a type of gas that is found in the air we breathe. Ozone is actually good for us because it protects us from harmful rays from the sun, but when there's too much of it, it can harm us.

So, a high-ozone shock treatment is a method used to clean the air in a room or a house. Imagine you spill milk on the carpet and the smell is still there even after you clean it up. High-ozone shock treatment is a way to get rid of that bad smell and any other odors in the air you can't see.

The way it works is a machine, called an ozone generator, is used to make ozone gas. This gas is then released into the room or house where it cleans the air by breaking down any nasty smells into smaller pieces until they disappear.

It's important to remember though that this process is very powerful and can harm people and pets if they are in the room while the treatment is going on. That's why special measures are taken to make sure the room is empty and safe before doing a high-ozone shock treatment.

In short, high-ozone shock treatment is a process used to clean the air in a room or house by using a powerful gas called ozone that breaks down nasty smells and makes the air smell fresh and clean again.