ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hiibel v. Sixth Judicial District Court of Nevada

So, one day there was a man named Hiibel who was walking around in Nevada. Then, a police officer came up to him and asked for his name. Hiibel didn't want to tell the officer his name, but the officer said it was against the law if he didn't tell him.

So, Hiibel got in trouble and went to court. The court had to decide if it was okay for the police officer to force Hiibel to tell him his name.

In the end, the court said that it was okay for the police officer to ask for Hiibel's name, and it was also okay for the police officer to arrest him when he didn't tell him his name.

Some people thought that this was not fair because Hiibel should have the right to keep his name a secret if he wants to. But, the court said that the police officer needed to know his name to do his job and keep people safe.