Hindu astrology is a way of understanding patterns in the universe by looking at the positions of the stars and planets. Imagine you're playing with your stickers and you notice that when you put certain stickers together, they create a certain pattern that you recognize. That's kind of like what Hindu astrology does, but with things in the sky.
Hindu astrology also uses something called a horoscope which is like a map of the sky at the moment you were born. It shows where the sun, moon, planets, and stars were positioned in the sky when you were born. It's kind of like a picture of the universe at that exact moment.
People who practice Hindu astrology look at your horoscope and use it to understand things about you, like your personality or what might happen to you in the future. They believe that the positions of the stars and planets can have an impact on your life and how it turns out.
It's important to remember that not everyone believes in Hindu astrology or thinks that it's real, but for those who do, it can be a really interesting and meaningful way to understand themselves and the world around them.