ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of American Indian schools

So, a long time ago, when the white people came to America, they thought the Native American children needed to be "civilized" and educated like the white children. So, they started schools just for Native American children called Indian schools.

The schools were very different from the ones that the white children went to. The children were not allowed to speak their own languages or practice their own beliefs. They had to wear clothes like the white people and were punished if they did anything that the white people didn't like.

The children were often taken away from their families and put in these schools far away from their homes. This made the children very sad and homesick. Their families were not allowed to visit them very often either, so they felt very alone.

Many children were treated very badly in these schools. They were forced to work hard all day and were punished if they did not follow the strict rules. Some even got sick and died from the bad living conditions.

In the end, many Native American people realized that these schools were not helping their children. They fought to have their children back and to have their languages and beliefs respected. Today, there are still many Native American people fighting for their rights and the rights of their children.