ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of British society

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the history of British society.

A long, long time ago, there were different groups of people living in what we now call Britain. These groups had their own cultures and ways of life. One group, the Celts, were one of the earliest known inhabitants of Britain. They were later invaded by the Romans, who brought their own ideas and systems of government.

After the Romans left, various groups like the Saxons, Vikings, and Normans took turns invading and ruling over Britain. Over time, these groups mixed together and formed what became known as the English people.

As years went by, the English people became more organized and developed their own society with different classes of people. At the top were the nobility, who were rich and powerful. They owned a lot of land and controlled the government. Below them were the middle class, who were usually merchants or tradesmen. And at the bottom were the working class, who mostly did manual labor and were paid little for their work.

Throughout history, there were many changes and movements in British society. For example, during the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries, factories were built and more people moved to the cities to work. This created a new class of workers who were called the industrial working class.

In the 20th century, there were also a lot of changes, like improvements in healthcare and education, and people fighting for more equality and rights for women and minorities.

Overall, the history of British society is a long and complex one, with many different groups and changes over time. But through it all, the people of Britain continued to adapt and evolve, building the society we know today.