ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Derry

Derry is a city in Northern Ireland. A long long time ago, before people lived there, it was just fields and forests. Then, around 546 A.D. a group of people called the Celts came to Derry and started to farm the land. Over time, Derry grew into a bigger town and in the year 1613, it became a city.

Derry has been involved in many important events throughout history. In the late 1600s, there was a big fight between two groups called the Protestants and the Catholics. The Protestants wanted to be in charge of what happened in Derry, but the Catholics didn't agree. This fight, called the Siege of Derry, lasted for 105 days and lots of people died.

Later on, in the 1800s, Derry became very famous because of its textile industry. People worked in factories making things like cloth and clothes, and Derry became known as a place where lots of people could get jobs.

More recently, in the late 1900s, Derry was involved in something called "The Troubles." This was a time when there were a lot of tensions between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland, and Derry was really affected by it. In 1972, there was a big event called "Bloody Sunday" where British soldiers shot and killed a lot of people who were protesting. This event is still remembered today, and people work hard to make sure it never happens again.

Today, Derry is a bustling city with a lot of history, culture, and pride. People visit from all over the world to learn about Derry's past and to experience its present.