ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Lithuania

Alright kiddo, let's talk about the history of Lithuania!

A long, long time ago, before you and I were born, Lithuania didn't exist. It was just a bunch of tribes living in what is now Lithuania, Latvia, and Belarus. These tribes had their own languages, cultures, and ways of living.

But then, around the 13th century, some dudes called the Teutonic Knights came over from Germany and decided they wanted to take over the land the tribes were living on. They fought with the tribes for a while, but eventually, the tribes banded together under a guy named Mindaugas and were able to defeat the Teutonic Knights.

Mindaugas became the first king of Lithuania and brought a lot of stability to the region. However, after he died, things got a bit chaotic for a while. Various people tried to take control of Lithuania, and there were a lot of battles and wars.

Eventually, in the 14th century, a guy named Vytautas the Great became the grand duke of Lithuania. Under his rule, Lithuania became one of the largest and most powerful countries in Europe, stretching from the Baltic Sea all the way down to the Black Sea.

But then, in the 15th century, things started to go downhill again. The nobles in Lithuania didn't like the power that the grand duke had, so they started to rebel against him. This caused a lot of turmoil in the country, and it ended up being split between two different grand dukes.

In the 16th century, Lithuania became part of a larger country called the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. This was basically a union between the two countries, where they shared a king and had a lot of the same laws and customs. During this time, Lithuania became more and more Catholic, which was different from the pagan beliefs that the tribes had originally practiced.

But then, in the late 18th century, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was dissolved, and Lithuania became part of the Russian Empire. This was a difficult time for the Lithuanian people, as they were forced to give up a lot of their language and culture, and many of them were sent to Siberia as punishment for trying to rebel against the Russians.

Finally, in 1918, Lithuania declared independence from Russia. This was a big deal, as it meant that Lithuania could finally control its own destiny and make its own decisions. However, this didn't last long, as Lithuania was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1940 and then taken over by Germany during World War II.

After the war, Lithuania became part of the Soviet Union again, but in 1990, it declared independence once more. This time, it was able to maintain its independence, and it is now a democratic country that is part of the European Union.

So there you have it, kid - that's the history of Lithuania in a nutshell!