ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Los Angeles, California

Okay little one, let's talk about the history of Los Angeles!

A long time ago, before you were even born, there were Native American tribes that lived in the area now known as Los Angeles. They called it "Yang-na" and it was a peaceful place until the Spanish arrived in the 1700s.

The Spanish wanted to claim this land as their own, so they built missions and settlements. They named this place "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula" which means "The town of Our Lady the Queen of Angels of the Porciúncula River." But that's a very long name, so they started calling it Los Angeles for short.

After Mexico gained independence from Spain, Los Angeles became a part of Mexico. But then, in 1848, the United States won a war with Mexico and took control of Los Angeles.

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Los Angeles became a popular place for people to move to because of its sunny weather and opportunities for jobs. Hollywood also grew during this time and became the center of the movie industry.

Unfortunately, there were also some dark times in Los Angeles' history. In 1942, thousands of Japanese Americans were taken from their homes and put into internment camps because of World War II. And in 1965, there were riots in the city because of racial tensions.

Today, Los Angeles is a bustling city with a diverse population, delicious food, and lots of things to do. It's come a long way from its Native American roots, and has a rich history that's still being written every day.