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History of Portugal (1415–1578)

Portugal is a country located on the western coast of Europe, next to Spain. A long time ago, Portugal was ruled by kings and queens. In 1415, the king of Portugal, King John I, decided he wanted to explore and conquer new lands, so he sent his navy to conquer the city of Ceuta, in North Africa.

After this victory, other Portuguese explorers, like Vasco da Gama, started to make long and dangerous journeys by sea to discover new countries in Africa and Asia. They wanted to find new trade routes to expand Portugal's wealth and power.

During this time, Portugal became very wealthy because of the spice trade. Spices were very expensive, and Portugal was one of the only countries that could bring them to Europe. They built trading posts and colonies in Africa and Asia to control the trade routes.

In the 1500s, the Portuguese empire was at its height. They had colonies all over the world, including in Brazil, India, and parts of Africa. However, the Portuguese monarchy was weak and there were many political problems in the country.

In 1578, the king of Portugal, King Sebastian, died without any children to take over the throne. This started a period of instability and conflict in Portugal, known as the "Crisis of the Portuguese Succession." The country was divided between two claimants to the throne, and this led to a civil war.

During this time, Portugal lost many of its colonies and its power declined. The country was also invaded by its neighbor, Spain, and Portugal became a part of the Spanish empire for 60 years.

In summary, from 1415–1578, Portugal was a powerful empire that explored the world and controlled global trade through its colonies. However, after the death of King Sebastian, the country fell into a period of instability and conflict, which led to the decline of its power and influence in the world.