ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

History of Tibetan Buddhism

Okay, so a very long time ago, way before your mommy or daddy were born, there was a country called Tibet. People there had a special way of living called Buddhism. It was about being good to others, helping them and trying to be a kind person.

Tibetan Buddhism started over 1000 years ago when some special teachers traveled from India to Tibet to teach the people about the Buddha's teachings. These teachers were called Lamas and they taught about being kind to other people to make the world a better place.

Over time, Tibetan Buddhism grew stronger in Tibet and it even became the most popular religion there. People built temples and places for the Lamas to teach the teachings of Buddha.

In the mid-20th century, there was Some fighting between Tibet and another country named China. Many Tibetans were forced to leave their country and live in other places around the world. But their religion of Tibetan Buddhism traveled with them and is now practiced in many countries worldwide.

Today, many people still practice Tibetan Buddhism, and they continue to learn about kindness, compassion, and mindfulness, just like the people in Tibet did many years ago.